
Ai kills Social Media?

Jan 17, 2025

Dr. Axel Jockwer

Are AI Content Tools Killing Social Media?

Social media thrives on interaction. On personal exchange and authentic moments. But the intensive engagement in social media costs a lot of time, which you don't have as an entrepreneur. Of course, AI can also provide significant support here. But isn't that like making a pact with the devil? Can automated content really be ‘social’?

The Reality of Small Businesses

Most small businesses and solopreneurs face the same challenge: no time, no skills, no budget. Nevertheless, a presence on social media channels is absolutely essential today – customers expect it and many competitors are doing it brilliantly. Postings on a regular basis (!) are a must, but how can this be achieved with already scarce resources? Many try to delegate the task to an employee – preferably to someone young, hip, creative and always on the go with their phone in their hand. But does this person really exist? And if so, would someone like that want to work for a hairdresser, a gym or a law firm? This is where automated AI-driven software comes in, taking over the work.

80% of the Work – Super Efficient, But Is It Good?

Tools like markero.ai, copycockpit or viralspoon can actually take over 80% of the daily mandatory tasks. These include posts with factually relevant content that demonstrate expertise and generate attention. They use AI to analyse existing material and suggest texts, images and hashtags based on this. Some tools like markero.ai even provide topic suggestions and enable pre-planning. This saves time and ensures that the groundwork for a month is often done in half an hour.

But What About Authenticity?

‘Social’ means done by people, not machines. If tools are taking over content, where is the personality? Isn't this the ultimate surrender to technology? Will there be no more human touch in the future? How ‘real’ is a social media channel if an AI does the major part of the work?

It's clear: automation can't replace the individual hand, otherwise everything ends in arbitrariness. But it still has its place because it creates space for creative freedom.

The remaining 20% of work in and with social media – let's call it the icing on the cake – should be done by people. Authentic stories, personal insights and spontaneous posts that reflect your own individuality make all the difference. With less pressure and more time for such content, your brand can come across as lively and credible.

The Combination of Software and People Creates Space for Creativity.

  • Time saving: automated tools create posts in minutes.

  • Consistency: regularity without effort – no more fear of content gaps.

  • Professionalism: AI generates content that is visually and linguistically convincing.

  • Focus on authenticity: automation leaves time for real interactions and creative posts.

The Best of Both Worlds.

Social media does not become less ‘social’ when automation is used strategically. It makes it more efficient. Tools like markero.ai or copycockpit are by no means a magic bullet. But they are tools that make everyday life easier.

Entrepreneurs now have a decisive advantage: they can concentrate on the essentials by letting the machine do the ‘social media duty’ – and finally gain time for their own personal ‘social media creativity’.

Rely on automation to cover 80% of your social media work – and put your heart and soul into the remaining 20%. This way, social media becomes not only efficient, but also authentic.

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Dr Axel Jockwer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/axeljockwer/), an expert in marketing and digital strategies, is responsible for the editorial quality assurance and thematic direction of our blog. Publication list: https://www.jockwer.com/lehre-und-veroffentlichungen